Interstitial Pseudo-Muon Fusion (IPMF) relates to a method and apparatus for producing controlled nuclear-fusion reactions by drastically increasing the probabilistic interactions of atoms as opposed to relying solely on brute-force hot fusion.
Currently, the most promising fusion reactors deploy and energize Deuterium-Tritium fuel, contained at a target, to temperatures several times the sun’s core leveraging complex and massive power supplies or capacitors and lasers. Most stars’ cores are not hot enough for temperature alone to account for all the fusion occurring within them. Solar fusion can be explained by quantum tunnelling: as protons approach the coulomb barrier, they are likely to be repelled by electrostatic forces, but there is a small chance that their wave-like existence has tunneled through to the other side of the barrier. Therefore, the strong force kicks in and they fuse. The probability of this event is extremely low. However, due to the unfathomably large number of atoms in stars, this low-probability event occurs frequently.

So, it’s not the high temperature and pressure environment alone within stars that facilitate fusion. It’s fusion, occurring through quantum tunnelling, that ignites and then maintains the high temperature and pressure environment in stars that further enhance the rate of fusion. Now, while it’s impractical to assemble a star-sized reactor on Earth, it is possible to drastically increase the probabilistic interactions of a fewer number of atoms. Our invention departs from conventional approaches by utilizing an innovative combination of independently established techniques along with two novel and proprietary mechanisms.
IPMF Reactor
Our Interstitial Pseudo-Muon Fusion (IPMF) reactor would decrease the subatomic distance and enhance the quantum tunnelling of nucleons, opening the gateway to self-sustained fusion reactions while significantly lowering the cost, size, and mass of fusors by circumventing the massive temperature, power supply, and plasma confinement requirements of hot fusion.
High-energy neutrons
The product of our fusion reactor is energy in the form of 1- high-energy neutrons and 2- heat. High-energy neutrons are hard to come by and have applications in multiple industries. Heat can be converted into electrical energy. We target new customer segments, each larger in market size, as our technology evolves to facilitate higher reaction densities and yields greater magnitudes of output neutron flux and heat energy.
During Phase 1 and 2, our value proposition lies in the high energy neutron flux, which is coveted for its ability to transmute or change elements. Industries that rely on high-energy neutrons are currently served by fission reactors that are limited by the technical and socio-political constraints surrounding nuclear fission. Additionally, most fission reactors are purposed towards energy generation; the few that are focused on leveraging their neutron flux for transmutation are old and unreliable. New fission reactors are expensive to stand up to; arduous to permit; face strong societal opposition due to real and perceived safety concerns; generate radioactive waste; rely on enriched uranium and pose the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation.
Transmutation of elements using high-energy neutrons
The near-term commercial focus is to leverage the neutron flux output of the IMPF fusion reactor to provide a low-cost, safe, and reliable supply of neutron flux that the world currently relies on fission reactors for. Phase 1 will target medical isotope production and medical imaging. Phase 2 will enable the treatment of hazardous radioactive waste from nuclear fission and the production of rare earth metals through transmutation. Phase 3 will focus on energy generation for utility-scale baseload power as well as mobile fleet applications such as submarines, ships, and space shuttles.
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