Lemma comprises a team of five founders from different walks of life who collectively have over a hundred years of experience across diverse but complementary domains: systems engineering; simulation and commissioning of nuclear reactors; strategic planning and program management of multi-billion dollar capital upgrades for the electrical grid; technology and management consulting; and business development for high-growth startups. Collectively, we share a passion and track record for engaging with deep technology and grappling with market forces to enable high-impact societal and environmental transformation.
D. Scott Lucas, PhD - Principal Investigator & Chief Scientist
D. Scott Lucas, PhD
Scott has more than thirty years experiences in Process Plant Systems Engineering for Nuclear, and Fossil plants and research reactors. Have been responsible for design, maintenance and analysis of Balance of Plant feedwater systems, blowdown, off-gas, demineralizers, steam-lines turbines, etc.
He has performed safety reviews for process systems in nuclear and chemical plants using codes and standards for spent fuel and hazardous waste. Have analyzed extensive reactor transients for nuclear facilities PWR, BWR and research reactors) using Relap5. Also performed simulations for procedures and maintenance activities using software such as Process Model, ProSim, etc. Performed Risk and Reliability analysis using PRA, (CAFTA & IRRAS), FMEA for Process Plant Operations and Systems Engineering. Performed Heat Transfer, Structural and Vibrations Finite Element Analysis and thermal hydraulics using Relap5.
In addition, Scott has done simulations in Environmental work in Groundwater Transport, Wastewater, Modeling and Transport of Materials in Lakes & Estuaries (Dissertation), Induction Heaters for Waste Solidification (TEMPEST), Atmospheric Dispersion of Contaminants (FIDAP). Performed environmental compliance analysis for paper mills, bleach plants and simulation and modeling of such facilities.
- Security Clearance: Secret (Inactive)
- U.S. Army Special Forces, Sargeant E-5, Demolitions, Weapons and Communications (Honorable Discharge)
- American Nuclear Society
- Pi Mu Epsilon (Math Honorary)
- Westinghouse General Managers Award of Excellence (Nuclear, Fossil & Process Plant Design, Analysis and Simulation)
- NRC/Scientech Recognition Award for Relap5 work
- B.S., Physics, Marshall University, 1973
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, West Virginia University, 1976
- Ph.d., Engineering Mechanics, North Carolina State University, 1988
- Systems Engineering Classes & Projects at INEL & UI, Chemical Reactions (UI) and Process Plant Systems Courses (UI)
Phillip H. Wang, PE - CEO & CTO
Phillip H. Wang, PE
Phillip has more than 30 years of extensive experience in every aspect of system integration, control system engineering, and digital twins in the power industry. He has a strong history of power and utility industry systems design and implementations in all phases of project. He founded Microfusion Engineering in 1996 and co-created Thermal Hydraulic Integrated NetworK-THINK™ simulation engine as an efficient method for control system validation in the power industry. His primary focus is on engineering and contractor design review, implementation of control systems, developing digital twins and AI for process optimization, and engineering compliance with regulatory and safety guidelines.
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Want to work with Lemma? Contact us here.